Alhamdulillah, akhirnya si dia telah melamar diri ini secara unofficial. Tak dinafikan, diri ini begitu gembira sekali. Saat yg dinantikan telah tiba. Pelbagai perasaan telah bercampur aduk ketika itu. Gembira, sedih, gementar, suma ada... Dalam keseronokan ini, jauh dilubuk hati ini masih berasa takut & risau.
Aku mula bertanya pada diri sendiri, samada aku sudah bersedia utk memikul tanggungjawab seorg isteri, menantu & ibu? Apakah aku perlu mengorbankan kerjaya ku setelah aku berkahwin nanti? Adakah kehidupan aku akan dikongkong seperti mana cerita2 yg selalu aku baca?
Hati ini mula bertanya, adakah dia mampu menjaga aku seperti mana abah ku menjaga & melindungi aku? Mampukah dia sentiasa berada disisi aku & menenangkan aku disaat aku susah & gundah? Mampukah aku & dia berjalan seiring menuju syurga Allah? Adakah dia benar2 ikhlas menerima diri ini yg serba kekurangan, seorg anak yg mempunyai seorg ayah & 3 org ibu? Adakah dia akan memisahkn diri ini dari keluarga kandungku? Ya Allah... lapangkanlah dadaku & permudahkanlah urusanku..
untuk family ku, mampukah kalian menerima menantu yg tidak berkerja tetap? menantu yg hidupnya hanya seadanya, tak lebih & tak kurang. seorg menantu yg belum punya apa2 tp sedang berusaha utk mengadakannya.. aku khuatir kalian akan membandingkan dia dgn menantu2 rakan kalian. aku mengerti, kalian sentiasa mahukan yg terbaik utk diri ini kerna dari kecil lagi aku sentiasa diberikan perkara yg terbaik. Ya Allah, aku mohon petunjuk dari-Mu...
buat bakal mertua ku, diri ini tidaklah sesempurna mana. masih banyak kekurangan dlm diri ini.. mampukah kalian menerima diri ini seadanya?
kadang2 aku tertanya, bagaimana rakan2ku yg lain begitu mudah melangsungkan perkahwinan? buat pertama kalinya, aku perlu membuat keputusan yang paling berat dlm hidup ini. Istikharah? sudah ku lakukan.. dan sering kali aku bermimpi aku hidup bersama dia, menjalani kehidupan bersama.. Ya Allah, kau tetapkan lah hati ini. Benarlah, apabila seorg adam & seorg hawa ingin berkahwin, maka syaitan akan dtg menghasut. Allah...
luahan hati seorg perempuan
Friday, October 25, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Belajar vs Kahwin
Since aku dah bosan jaga kedai yg xde customer ni, tetiba ak dpat idea nk menulis.
Belajar atau Kahwin??
2 perkara ini yg sedang bermain dlm minda aku. kedua-duanya mempunyai pro's & con's yg tersendiri.
Pada mulanya aku seperti sudah malas untuk sambung belajat. Kononnya nk fokus buat business dgn boipren tp nampaknya business sudah ke laut. Ini membuatkan aku reasa seperti nk sambung belajar kembali.
Pada pandangan aku, untuk memulakan sesuatu business, kita harus mempunyai modal yg cukup utk menampung perbelanjaan promosi, utilitis dan bantuan kewangan sekiranya berlaku sbrg kerugian. Perancangan yg strategi juga perlu sebelum memulakan sesuatu bisness secara serius.
Berbalik kepada tajuk asal, yg mana satu pilihan kalbu? hehe...
Sebenarnya diri ini masih tercari-cari lagi jawapan yg tepat. Ada ketika, diri ini sangat merindui waktu bergelar pelajar. Waktu dimana hidup bergelumang dengan eseimen yg menimbun, kelas yg padat, info yg perlu diserap & diproses dgn cepat. Pada mulanya aku merancang utk menyambung master selepas berkahwin. Tapi aku mula cemburu apabila melihat ada rakanku sedang meyambung pengajian diperingkat master. ahh, I'm soooo jealous babe!!
In the mean time, hati ini begitu melonjak utk berkahwin tp apakan daya... belum ada yg nk masuk minang.. sabar & tabah dlm mengharungi kehidupan ini. Tapi bila berbicara tentang perkahwinan, akan banyak spekulasi yg timbul. Kadang2 wujud persoalan yg x mampu difikirkan dgn waras.
Tapi benarlah org cakap, org perempuan nih suka fikir sesuatu perkara secara details. Jika diikutkan hati ini, masih banyak perkara yg ingin diluahkan tp apakn daya... aku perlu berwaspada terhadap penulisan aku..
Akhir kata, aku nk sambung keje.. Staff aku dah mula join lepak sekali.. hehehe
Belajar atau Kahwin??
2 perkara ini yg sedang bermain dlm minda aku. kedua-duanya mempunyai pro's & con's yg tersendiri.
Pada mulanya aku seperti sudah malas untuk sambung belajat. Kononnya nk fokus buat business dgn boipren tp nampaknya business sudah ke laut. Ini membuatkan aku reasa seperti nk sambung belajar kembali.
Pada pandangan aku, untuk memulakan sesuatu business, kita harus mempunyai modal yg cukup utk menampung perbelanjaan promosi, utilitis dan bantuan kewangan sekiranya berlaku sbrg kerugian. Perancangan yg strategi juga perlu sebelum memulakan sesuatu bisness secara serius.
Berbalik kepada tajuk asal, yg mana satu pilihan kalbu? hehe...
Sebenarnya diri ini masih tercari-cari lagi jawapan yg tepat. Ada ketika, diri ini sangat merindui waktu bergelar pelajar. Waktu dimana hidup bergelumang dengan eseimen yg menimbun, kelas yg padat, info yg perlu diserap & diproses dgn cepat. Pada mulanya aku merancang utk menyambung master selepas berkahwin. Tapi aku mula cemburu apabila melihat ada rakanku sedang meyambung pengajian diperingkat master. ahh, I'm soooo jealous babe!!
In the mean time, hati ini begitu melonjak utk berkahwin tp apakan daya... belum ada yg nk masuk minang.. sabar & tabah dlm mengharungi kehidupan ini. Tapi bila berbicara tentang perkahwinan, akan banyak spekulasi yg timbul. Kadang2 wujud persoalan yg x mampu difikirkan dgn waras.
Tapi benarlah org cakap, org perempuan nih suka fikir sesuatu perkara secara details. Jika diikutkan hati ini, masih banyak perkara yg ingin diluahkan tp apakn daya... aku perlu berwaspada terhadap penulisan aku..
Akhir kata, aku nk sambung keje.. Staff aku dah mula join lepak sekali.. hehehe
Monday, July 15, 2013
kerja, stress, stock take, iftar, blogger
Minna!!! Ogenki desuka??
agak lama jugak aku x update blog nh. lagi pun aku bukannya full time blogger. saje suka2 je buat blog ni & pengaruh dari sahabat baik aku, Ms Lilo Art (dia yg pengaruh aku buat blog, last skali dia yg tutup blog).
Lately ni agak busy sikit sebab kedai aku akan ada stock take. So, the stress turn on and the pressure already hit the degrees. Lots of work need to be done on time. If late, I'm dead. Even i've already been through 2 stock take but the nervous still on. The bad memories still playing in my mind. Cross the fingers for this time. huhu
By the way, after all the stress turn on, suddenly my dear invited me for iftar with the bloggers. You got the chance, just grab it! Its the time to release your tension & stress while meet new members.
ok, kalau dapat boyfriend blogger ini la jadinya... huhu.. dan macam biasa, aku memang kaki nyibuk dari zaman sekolah lagi. haha... The event end at 9 o'clock. Thanks to my dear darling for bring me last night. Really enjoy the event and wish to follow you again. hahaha May I follow you again, my dear, Bro Fami? Please! Please! Please!
agak lama jugak aku x update blog nh. lagi pun aku bukannya full time blogger. saje suka2 je buat blog ni & pengaruh dari sahabat baik aku, Ms Lilo Art (dia yg pengaruh aku buat blog, last skali dia yg tutup blog).
Lately ni agak busy sikit sebab kedai aku akan ada stock take. So, the stress turn on and the pressure already hit the degrees. Lots of work need to be done on time. If late, I'm dead. Even i've already been through 2 stock take but the nervous still on. The bad memories still playing in my mind. Cross the fingers for this time. huhu
By the way, after all the stress turn on, suddenly my dear invited me for iftar with the bloggers. You got the chance, just grab it! Its the time to release your tension & stress while meet new members.
ok, kalau dapat boyfriend blogger ini la jadinya... huhu.. dan macam biasa, aku memang kaki nyibuk dari zaman sekolah lagi. haha... The event end at 9 o'clock. Thanks to my dear darling for bring me last night. Really enjoy the event and wish to follow you again. hahaha May I follow you again, my dear, Bro Fami? Please! Please! Please!
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Ahaks! title entry kali nh agak kontroversi skit. Aku nk cerita pasal PMS. Kenapa ak pilih title nh? Sebab ramai lelaki xdpt terima keadaan wanita bila wanita mengalami PMS. PMS adalah satu kitaran biologi yg berlaku pada tubuh badan seorang wanita. Ia berlaku pada 1 @ 2 minggu sebelum haid. Pada masa itu perubahan hormon sedang berlaku dalam tubuh badan wanita. Ini akan mengakibatkn sesorg tu akan berasa stress, sedih secara tiba2, marah @ angin x tentu pasal. Untuk penyakit ini, xde ubat yg dpt menyembuhkan melainkan period.
I would like to say that I am soooo lucky enough to have him as my boyfriend. He is so patient to take care of me. Saaaaaaaaangat sabar melayan kerenah aku yg kdg2 mcm keanak-anakan. This is one of the reason I can't let him go. He always try to fulfill my request. Even some of the request I know I can make it by myself.
I would like to say that I am soooo lucky enough to have him as my boyfriend. He is so patient to take care of me. Saaaaaaaaangat sabar melayan kerenah aku yg kdg2 mcm keanak-anakan. This is one of the reason I can't let him go. He always try to fulfill my request. Even some of the request I know I can make it by myself.
Monday, May 20, 2013
The Great Gatsby
Jay Gatsby's parties
are legendary. Night and day, the rich and beautiful descend upon his
mansion to drink and to dance. For Nick Carraway, newly arrived on Long
Island, the handsome, wealthy Gatsby seems to lead the perfect life. But
beneath that shimmering facade Gatsby harbours an obsessive desire for
the only thing he truly wants, but can never have.
The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece; a
tragic love story played out in a world of dangerous illusion amidst the
famous decadence of the roaring twenties.Salah satu hobi aku, menonton wayang. As a film lover, summer is the best time to watch box office movie. All the great movie already line up, just waiting to be watch. hehehe (fast & furious!!!)
Sunday, March 31, 2013
People asking me, why I put my blog name, 'Never Ending Wonderful Story'? So, here the story of that name...
It was start on 2007/2008. That time I was 1st year student at UNISEL. My roomate was Jpop fan. So, she's the one that introduce me to Jpop arena. I start with a boy band group, name NEWS. Their 1st song that I listen was i za na i zu ki. That, I start bubbling their chorus part until I memorize their dance step. Starting from that song, I become the fan but not sooo fanatic lor.. lol! Until 1 day, I had found their concert tour in Youtube and they name the tour, Never Ending Wonderful Story. If I'm not mistaken Yamapi or Ryo said that the journey of that band always have wonderful story to tell to their fan. During that tour, they manage to make Tokyo Dome pack with their fans until of them cannot in.
It was start on 2007/2008. That time I was 1st year student at UNISEL. My roomate was Jpop fan. So, she's the one that introduce me to Jpop arena. I start with a boy band group, name NEWS. Their 1st song that I listen was i za na i zu ki. That, I start bubbling their chorus part until I memorize their dance step. Starting from that song, I become the fan but not sooo fanatic lor.. lol! Until 1 day, I had found their concert tour in Youtube and they name the tour, Never Ending Wonderful Story. If I'm not mistaken Yamapi or Ryo said that the journey of that band always have wonderful story to tell to their fan. During that tour, they manage to make Tokyo Dome pack with their fans until of them cannot in.
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Selamat Pengantin Baru, My BFF!!!
Yeay!! Finally my bff married to her prince charming. After a few story, at last she found the man who can take care of her. I'm so happy for them. After the 'akad' done, my tears cant stop. We all crying together. The groom look very calm & full of excitement.
Well, I guess this was the best event in my life. 2 days at Bahau, full of joy. After long time, we dont get together. All my BFF were there. We sharing 1 room hotel. Ahhh, I will keep this moment in my memories.
To my BFF, Siti Nor Fadzilla & Mohd Faizel, my prays always with u guys. May u guys be strong enough in this new journey of life & may ur wedding sustain till Jannah.
***credit to my others BFF, Lilo Art, Zulaikha & Mohd Hakimi. Love u guys so much.
Well, I guess this was the best event in my life. 2 days at Bahau, full of joy. After long time, we dont get together. All my BFF were there. We sharing 1 room hotel. Ahhh, I will keep this moment in my memories.
To my BFF, Siti Nor Fadzilla & Mohd Faizel, my prays always with u guys. May u guys be strong enough in this new journey of life & may ur wedding sustain till Jannah.
***credit to my others BFF, Lilo Art, Zulaikha & Mohd Hakimi. Love u guys so much.
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