Ahaks! title entry kali nh agak kontroversi skit. Aku nk cerita pasal PMS. Kenapa ak pilih title nh? Sebab ramai lelaki xdpt terima keadaan wanita bila wanita mengalami PMS. PMS adalah satu kitaran biologi yg berlaku pada tubuh badan seorang wanita. Ia berlaku pada 1 @ 2 minggu sebelum haid. Pada masa itu perubahan hormon sedang berlaku dalam tubuh badan wanita. Ini akan mengakibatkn sesorg tu akan berasa stress, sedih secara tiba2, marah @ angin x tentu pasal. Untuk penyakit ini, xde ubat yg dpt menyembuhkan melainkan period.
I would like to say that I am soooo lucky enough to have him as my boyfriend. He is so patient to take care of me. Saaaaaaaaangat sabar melayan kerenah aku yg kdg2 mcm keanak-anakan. This is one of the reason I can't let him go. He always try to fulfill my request. Even some of the request I know I can make it by myself.
Setiap malam sebelum ak tido, mesti ak akan rasa menyesal sgt atas tingkah laku yg kdg kala bertindak tnpa fikir panjang. To my dear Fahmi, I do appreciate so much for what u had done to me. I am so sorry for being so childish. I cant promise that I wont repeat my childish attitude, just wish I'm capable enough to handle my emotion. U r so patient with my attitude. Satu yg syg pinta, pls comfort me when I feel not comfortable. Sy x boleh janji sy dpt kawal emosi sy setiap masa. I need u to help me to fix it.
untill now, xoxo
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