Ahaks! title entry kali nh agak kontroversi skit. Aku nk cerita pasal PMS. Kenapa ak pilih title nh? Sebab ramai lelaki xdpt terima keadaan wanita bila wanita mengalami PMS. PMS adalah satu kitaran biologi yg berlaku pada tubuh badan seorang wanita. Ia berlaku pada 1 @ 2 minggu sebelum haid. Pada masa itu perubahan hormon sedang berlaku dalam tubuh badan wanita. Ini akan mengakibatkn sesorg tu akan berasa stress, sedih secara tiba2, marah @ angin x tentu pasal. Untuk penyakit ini, xde ubat yg dpt menyembuhkan melainkan period.
I would like to say that I am soooo lucky enough to have him as my boyfriend. He is so patient to take care of me. Saaaaaaaaangat sabar melayan kerenah aku yg kdg2 mcm keanak-anakan. This is one of the reason I can't let him go. He always try to fulfill my request. Even some of the request I know I can make it by myself.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
The Great Gatsby
Jay Gatsby's parties
are legendary. Night and day, the rich and beautiful descend upon his
mansion to drink and to dance. For Nick Carraway, newly arrived on Long
Island, the handsome, wealthy Gatsby seems to lead the perfect life. But
beneath that shimmering facade Gatsby harbours an obsessive desire for
the only thing he truly wants, but can never have.
The Great Gatsby is F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece; a
tragic love story played out in a world of dangerous illusion amidst the
famous decadence of the roaring twenties.Salah satu hobi aku, menonton wayang. As a film lover, summer is the best time to watch box office movie. All the great movie already line up, just waiting to be watch. hehehe (fast & furious!!!)
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