Hurmmm Its been almost a year, ak x update blog nh... smpi ak dh practikal, dh keje, dh konvo, n dh tukar tmpt keje... ngeee :D sejak masuk alam pekerjaan nh, dh xde mood sgt nk tulis blog.. mayb sbb bz kot... x pun dh letih sgt lps lik keje, kpla otak trus pk nk tdo je.... hehe... well, I kn sleeping beauty.. hehe...
klu dlu, ak selalu dengar org ckp "makin tinggi kita berada, makin ramai yg cuba jatuhkn kita". mula2 ak 50-50 nk trust ayat tu tp bila ak msuk alam keje, n i faced it. now, i really believe it... bkn sng utk kita naik ke tingkat yg paling atas. bnyak halangan yg perlu dilalui.. kdg2 ak hampir tertewas dlm perjuangan hidup. Alhamdulillah, berkat doa kedua org tuaku, ak mampu harunginya...
Ya, ak akui ada masanya ak lemah dlm menghadapi ujian idup. tp cara ak senang je... :D ak bukan seorg yg melawan ckp, sesungguhnya ak x pndi nk berlawan ckp. setgh org klu x puas hati, diorg akn cakap. but i'm not that person. My style, ak xkn lawan ckp sepatah pun but my action will speak for me. I'm using "action speak louder than words". perletakan jawatanku baru2 nh pn sbgi tnda protes ku kpda cmpny n now, i'm work with their competitor.... well, klu dh org len nk offer bnda bagus, for what i'm working at there?? hurmm nobody in the company knew the true reason i left them... let live the question with no answer.... (am i mean? whatever...) kdg2 tu ada gak soalan2 nakal yg bermain dlm minda nh...
"ko x takut kantoi dgn ex majikan yg ko keje kt tmpt nh?"
"mcm mn klu tembelang ko pecah?"
tp bila dipikirkn balik, ak perlu hadapi semua nh if it happen... i just need to prepare with strong reason. hope luck always be with me... huhu... cross the fingers...
otherwise, i'm young person with full of ambition in heart. i'll make my dreams come true...
ak jgak seorg yg sentiasakn nk pembaharuan.. its really tired when the end of the day, u keep doing the same thing untill no improvement...
actually, apa yg ak cuba celotehkn nh? hehe.... well, hanya sekadar luahan perasaan yg dh lma terpendam.. huhu.... whatever it is, the thing that still make me happy until now are my relationship n my friendship. I love my hubby so much and i love all my best friend too... Minna, duomo arigatou...
klu dlu, ak selalu dengar org ckp "makin tinggi kita berada, makin ramai yg cuba jatuhkn kita". mula2 ak 50-50 nk trust ayat tu tp bila ak msuk alam keje, n i faced it. now, i really believe it... bkn sng utk kita naik ke tingkat yg paling atas. bnyak halangan yg perlu dilalui.. kdg2 ak hampir tertewas dlm perjuangan hidup. Alhamdulillah, berkat doa kedua org tuaku, ak mampu harunginya...
Ya, ak akui ada masanya ak lemah dlm menghadapi ujian idup. tp cara ak senang je... :D ak bukan seorg yg melawan ckp, sesungguhnya ak x pndi nk berlawan ckp. setgh org klu x puas hati, diorg akn cakap. but i'm not that person. My style, ak xkn lawan ckp sepatah pun but my action will speak for me. I'm using "action speak louder than words". perletakan jawatanku baru2 nh pn sbgi tnda protes ku kpda cmpny n now, i'm work with their competitor.... well, klu dh org len nk offer bnda bagus, for what i'm working at there?? hurmm nobody in the company knew the true reason i left them... let live the question with no answer.... (am i mean? whatever...) kdg2 tu ada gak soalan2 nakal yg bermain dlm minda nh...
"ko x takut kantoi dgn ex majikan yg ko keje kt tmpt nh?"
"mcm mn klu tembelang ko pecah?"
tp bila dipikirkn balik, ak perlu hadapi semua nh if it happen... i just need to prepare with strong reason. hope luck always be with me... huhu... cross the fingers...
otherwise, i'm young person with full of ambition in heart. i'll make my dreams come true...
ak jgak seorg yg sentiasakn nk pembaharuan.. its really tired when the end of the day, u keep doing the same thing untill no improvement...
actually, apa yg ak cuba celotehkn nh? hehe.... well, hanya sekadar luahan perasaan yg dh lma terpendam.. huhu.... whatever it is, the thing that still make me happy until now are my relationship n my friendship. I love my hubby so much and i love all my best friend too... Minna, duomo arigatou...